Sunscreen 101 Guide

Sunscreen 101 Guide

Table of Contents

  1. What to Look For in a Good Sunscreen and Why
  2. What to Avoid in a Bad Sunscreen and Why
  3. Key Sunscreen Terminology
  4. Why Should You Wear Sunscreen?
  5. Where and When to Apply Sunscreen
  6. Mineral vs. Chemical Sunscreens
  7. Why SunShield+ is Best and How It’s Different

  1. What to Look For in a Good Sunscreen and Why
  • 100% Mineral: Safest for sensitive skin and doesn’t absorb into the bloodstream. SunShield+ uses 100% mineral protection for all skin types.
  • 25% Non-Nano Zinc: Larger particles that don’t penetrate the skin barrier or enter the bloodstream. SunShield+ uses 25% non-nano zinc oxide.
  • Tinted (Iron Oxides): Blocks blue light and provides better skin tone coverage. SunShield+ has 4 tints to match different skin tones. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, “Using a tinted sunscreen that contains iron oxides increases protection against visible light and ultraviolet A radiation.” SunShield+ offers tinted protection in 4 shades.
  • Moisturizer: Hydrates skin and maintains moisture balance. SunShield+ is an all-in-one organic moisturizer and SPF.
  • Organic Ingredients: Avoids synthetic chemicals and additives. SunShield+ is made with organic ingredients, free from harsh chemicals.
  • Recyclable Packaging (Minimal Plastic): Eco-friendly and reduces waste. SunShield+ comes in recyclable aluminum tubes.
  • Short Ingredient List: Fewer ingredients indicate a cleaner, safer formula. SunShield+ uses only 9 ingredients.

  1. What to Avoid in a Bad Sunscreen and Why
  • SPF ‘100’: Claims high protection but only provides 1-2% more than SPF 30, despite the exaggeratedly higher SPF number, using significantly more chemicals. SunShield+ offers SPF 30+ protection using 25% non-nano zinc oxide without excessive chemicals.
  • Branding: Many people focus on the brand but have no idea what chemicals are in their sunscreen. If a sunscreen contains harmful chemicals, it doesn’t matter if it’s from Brand A or Brand B — what matters is what’s in the bottle. SunShield+ focuses on clean ingredients, not flashy branding.
  • Heavy Plastic Packaging: Heavy packaging is often used to make you think you’re getting a more substantial product, but it just adds waste. They should be showing you their ingredients, not misleading you with heavy packaging. SunShield+ comes in lightweight recyclable aluminum tubes to reduce waste.
  • Mineral-Based Sunscreens: This means that the sunscreen contains some minerals, but it does not mean it’s free of chemicals. You want 100% mineral sunscreen with no added chemicals. SunShield+ is 100% mineral, not mineral-based.
  • Omitting Ingredients (Sunscreen Stabilizers): If the SPF seems too high for the amount of zinc listed, it likely includes a sunscreen stabilizer that doesn’t have to be listed on the label. Sunscreen stabilizers are chemical agents that can turn a “mineral” sunscreen into a chemical one without disclosing this. SunShield+ uses only zinc oxide as the active ingredient and is transparent about all ingredients.

  1. Key Sunscreen Terminology
  • SPF (15, 30, 50, and ‘100’): Sun Protection Factor. Higher SPF doesn’t necessarily mean better protection. For example, SPF 30 protects against 97% of UV rays, while SPF ‘100’ only gives 99% protection despite the number being much higher. SunShield+ provides SPF 30+ protection with only 9 ingredients.
  • 25% Non-Nano Zinc: Zinc particles that are larger and stay on top of the skin. SunShield+ uses 25% non-nano zinc oxide.
  • Blue Light Protection (HEV): Protects from high-energy visible light, which comes from screens and causes aging. SunShield+ includes iron oxides to block blue light.
  • Broad Spectrum: Protects from both UVA and UVB rays. SunShield+ provides broad-spectrum protection naturally.
  • Hypoallergenic: Less likely to cause allergic reactions. SunShield+ is hypoallergenic, made for sensitive skin and your face.
  • Reef Safe: Free from chemicals that harm coral reefs. Non-nano zinc oxide is the only active ingredient allowed in some places like Hawaii. SunShield+ is reef-safe, using 25% non-nano zinc.
  • Water Resistant: No sunscreen is waterproof. Always reapply after getting wet. SunShield+ should be reapplied after swimming or sweating.
  • Comedogenic/Non-Comedogenic: Non-comedogenic means it’s not likely to clog pores. SunShield+ is non-comedogenic, designed to keep pores clear.

  1. Why Should You Wear Sunscreen?
  • Prevent Skin Damage and Aging: “90% of skin aging is caused by the sun,” according to the Skin Cancer Foundation. SunShield+ prevents skin aging and cancer caused by the sun.
  • Protect Against UVA and UVB Rays: These harmful rays damage your skin and increase the risk of skin cancer. SunShield+ provides 100% mineral broad-spectrum protection.
  • Block Blue Light (HEV): Blue light from screens accelerates skin aging. SunShield+ includes iron oxides for HEV protection.

  1. Where and When to Apply Sunscreen
  • Who Should Wear Sunscreen? Everyone aged 6 months and older, especially those with pale skin or in high UV areas. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, “If shade and adequate clothing are not available, parents and caretakers may apply a minimal amount of broad-spectrum sunscreen containing zinc oxide or titanium dioxide to babies under 6 months old.” SunShield+ is safe for sensitive skin, including children.
  • Where to Apply Sunscreen? All exposed skin, including under the chin when near reflective surfaces like water and snow. SunShield+ works on all exposed skin and comes in tints to match skin tones.
  • When to Apply Sunscreen? Every morning before going outside, reapplying every 2 hours or after sweating or swimming. Indoors, “you can reapply every four to six hours” if you’re not near a window, says board-certified dermatologist Elisabeth G. from SunShield+ is easy to reapply without clogging pores.

  1. Mineral vs. Chemical Sunscreens
  • Mineral Sunscreens:
  • Pros: Safe for sensitive skin, doesn’t absorb into the bloodstream. SunShield+ is safe 100% mineral SPF, perfect for your face and sensitive skin and does not absorb into your bloodstream.
  • Cons: Can leave a white cast. Solution: Tinted zinc options help avoid the white cast effect. SunShield+ comes in 4 tinted shades.
  • Chemical Sunscreens:
  • Pros: Blends into the skin easily.
  • Cons: Absorbs into the bloodstream. 1) Chemical sunscreens enter the bloodstream, 2) within 2 hours of application, and 3) stay in the bloodstream for weeks. According to, these chemicals have been found to absorb quickly into the body and remain in the bloodstream for long periods. SunShield+ is free of chemical sunscreens, providing 100% mineral protection.

  1. Why SunShield+ is Best and How It’s Different
  • 25% Non-Nano Zinc Oxide: Safely protects without entering your bloodstream.
  • No Chemical Sunscreens: 100% mineral protection.
  • Organic Moisturizers: Hydrates your skin without synthetic chemicals.
  • Blue Light Protection: Includes iron oxides to block HEV light from screens.
  • Tinted Options: Available in 4 shades to match your skin tone.
  • Recyclable Packaging: Packaged in eco-friendly aluminum tubes.
  • Affordable Price: SunShield+ starts at $15 per ounce, with discounts and subscriptions bringing it as low as $6.80/ounce!


  1. American Academy of Dermatology
  2. Skin Cancer Foundation
  5. Save the Reef